Sunday, 16 January 2011

Welcome to Dimensions blogspace ...

Hello all,

I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year.

This blogspace has evolved after speaking with a few folks over the last few months about having some kind of collective space to share thoughts, insights, and what's generally going on either with us as individuals, families or wider afield as we continue to journey with God together. I think that we are probably past the days of the old "newsletter" even if it is sent by email. We wondered about a web-page, but settled on a blog as it is easier to maintain and it is free!

To post on the blog you will need to sign in with the blog username and password which you should have received in an email. Once signed in it is easy to post text and photos on the blog. Further instructions are included in the aforementioned email!

In the side-bar you will also find links in one place to other blogs and websites that people might feel relevant.

If you would like to include a post on the blog either post directly using the username and password, or email  the content to and I will upload it.

Whether by blog or not, keep the stories alive!

Happy posting,


1 comment:

  1. Great idea! Hoe everyone keeps us up to date with what's happening to them on this adventure!
